Friday, May 6, 2016

Psalm 78:41-42 

Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.  They did not remember…

“Every testimony brings something of heaven into the atmosphere. It gives us a divine moment when things shift and are transformed because the record of God’s activity is revealed….It is a living, active element of what God is doing and saying.  Testimonies are living stories that can literally change our life, our health, our family, or our business. - Bill Johnson Defying Moments, pg. 104

Testimonies reveal God’s will!  Testimonies reveal God’s activity!  

Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Acts 10:34 - Opening his mouth, Peter said, “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality.

This brings to my mind again the importance of the how and why we take communion!  The cup of redemption represented by Jesus blood is a testimony of God’s will and power revealed.  It is living and it says what the Spirit of God did for Jesus He will do for you.  Think about it!  

Jesus was beaten to a pulp.  He took every disease upon Himself.  He took every hurt emotion upon Himself.  He took every feeling of abandonment upon Himself.  He knew what it felt like to feel as though He had been rejected.  Yet, when the Spirit of God’s resurrection power hit Him - He was a new man.  He didn’t come out of the grave sick, defeated, barely getting by.  No He came out in power!  He brought those who had died back with Him.

Let Jesus testimony breathe the record of God’s will upon your life today and be set free from anything that would try to hinder or bind you up.  Let Jesus testimony, our elder brother, become your hope.  

Remember today what our Father God did for Jesus, He will do for us!  

Revelation 19:10 - …For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

The Power of Remembering

Paul said in Corinthians that every time you partake of the communion meal to remember Jesus!  If forgetting caused the children of Israel to not be able to partake of the blessings God had intended for them to walk in, then wouldn’t it stand to reason that if we REMEMBER Jesus as we take communion that we will walk in the blessings of God that He desires for us to walk in?  

Something else Bill Johnson wrote in his book was that as we write out the details of our testimonies that a similar ripple effect from heaven to earth takes place.

So today, why not share your testimony with someone.  Ask Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance a testimony from your life and then ask Him to put you in the path of someone you can share that testimony with.  Let heaven have a ripple effect here on earth.