Monday, April 23, 2012

My Story of the Zinnia Seeds

April 23, 2012
Tonight my mind is going back to June 2005.  Kristi had a colonoscopy performed that day in June and we did not get the report that I had hoped to hear.  I sat on my back steps crying out to God.  How I wanted to handle the situation correctly!  How I handle this would affect my children. 
But I must admit I was very disappointed in the report received and wondered how long before we saw the manifestation of what we were standing on God’s Word for.  In 2001 Kristi was diagnosed with Crohn’s. I believed God gave me a promise.  John 16:14 says the Holy Spirit will transfer the things of Jesus to us.  I believed God was showing me that His healing power would be transferred to Kristi.  I also knew God had spoken to me that Kristi would come out of this affliction and she would be blessed double.  Yet on this night none of this seemed to be happening.
I had a choice.  Was I going to believe circumstances or was I going to believe God’s Word?  Tonight as I was looking through journals I found the prayer that I offered to God and my determination to be thankful for His faithfulness in so many other areas.  I was not giving up and I was going to hold fast to my profession of faith.
The next day my son called me outside to see something in our yard next to our deck.  Much to my surprise were some beautiful zinnias that had come up voluntarily!  I had not seen them previously.  I thought how beautiful! 
As I drove to church that night my thoughts went to how wonderful my God was that He planted the seeds in the ground so that just when I needed uplifting the zinnias would be in full bloom! I was rejoicing in the gift, when I began to sense the Holy Spirit stirring inside me speaking to me.  It was as though He was reminding me of Abraham and the covenant promise God had spoken to him concerning how God was going to bless him through his seed.  When Abraham got discouraged God brought him outside and told him to look at the stars and that the number of his descendants would be more numerous than the stars.  God also had him look at the sand and asked him could he count the number of grains of sand.  Of course Abraham couldn’t and God told him that his descendants would outnumber the grains of sand. (Of course I am paraphrasing this.  You can read the accurate account for yourself in Genesis).  I believed the Holy Spirit was speaking to me that just as surely as God had given Abraham a sign He was bringing me encouragement as well.  Just as surely as there was power in the zinnia seed to burst through the ground and bring forth the flower and that God had tended to the seed for me so that I could enjoy the beauty of the flowers He would also tend to the seed of His Word and that Kristi would be healed of Crohn’s.

I rejoiced all the way to church.  When I got home I made everyone go outside with me including her boyfriend at the time and told them what I believed God had spoken to me.
We were not going to give up!  We were not going to allow discouragement to rule over us!  We were going to continue to believe God and the power of His Word! 
Praise God!  Today I heard the words I have longed to hear a doctor speak, “There is no sign of Crohn’s!” 
I share this in part because many months ago a friend asked me to write in a blog my story of the zinnias.  I had shared it in a Bible study and God used it to minister to her.  Today it seems appropriate to share!
Thank God for His faithfulness!  Thank God for His grace – the grace to give us the strength to stand when we wanted to give up.  Hebrews 11:11 says that God strengthened Sarah that she might conceive the seed. 
All I can say is “Thank you, Jesus!” 

Monday, January 2, 2012


It was a 100+ humid August day.  I didn't really want to be in the hay field but I had no choice.  Byron needed help.  I was hot, tired, and thirsty!

Byron had his problems too.  He was missing Cole.  He was use to Cole knowing exactly what needed to be done.  Cole knew his hand signals.  Need I say that in the hay field sometimes we have a communication  problem?

Byron had given me instructions on how to rake the field.  Hay was sparse due to the drought we had been experiencing.  He needed me to rake the field a certain way in order for  him to have enough hay for the baler to pick it up.  The hay also had to be raked a certain way to give him room to turn the tractor.

I followed his instructions.  Or so I thought until I got that "look" from him and I knew somehow my efforts were not right.  I was fuming inside!  Couldn't he see that I was trying!  I was having myself a real nice pity party and getting angrier by the minute.

Then I heard the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.  Who knows more about tractors?  Who knows more about putting up hay?  Who knows more about raking the hay to get the results he needs? 

I could sense that Holy Spirit was saying to me, "You have misunderstood.  Why get angry with Byron?  Find out what you misunderstood and gain understanding.  Isn't it better for you to learn and gain understanding from someone who knows what they are doing, rather than being mad because you didn't do it right."

I repented and did find out what was it that I misunderstood and how to do it the way it needed to be done.

But that incident also got me thinking about how we treat God.

God the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the creator of the universe has all wisdom and understanding.  Yet how many times do people get angry at God thinking He failed them when all along they misunderstood teaching and failed to follow instructions that would lead to abundant life.. Rather than getting angry they should stop and go back to their creator and ask for understanding.Wouldn't it be better to ask their Heavenly Father, "Where did I miss it?  What did I misunderstand?  Show me what step did I take wrong."

When we aren't seeing the results in our life that we think we should be seeing let us go the Master who knows the end from the beginning.  Let us go to the Master who is the author and finisher of our faith.  He has a good plan for us and He wants us to know His plan.  But sometimes in our feebleness we misunderstand or make the choice to go our own way.  Yet our Heavenly Father is patiently waiting for us to turn to Him, to gain understanding, and to follow His ways.

Wouldn't you think the creator knows the best way?  I read a book "The Way of Cain" by Billy Rash.  That was Cain's problem.  He expected God to bless his efforts rather than make his life line up with the instructions God had given.  We serve a God who is love.  In His love He has prepared a way for us to experience His goodness but we must be willing and obedient to His instructions and leading.

It would not have done Byron any good to have "blessed" my efforts and just let me keep raking the hay my way just to make me feel accepted and appreciated.  If I had continued doing things my way we wouldn't have gotten the most from our hay crop and it would have caused Byron unnecessary difficulty.  It was much better for him and me in the long run for me to change my way to his way, After all he knew what he was doing.  I am still learning.

Likewise our Holy Father knows the best way.  It is much better for us to do things His way than expect Him to bless our efforts when our efforts are going the wrong direction.  He sent us His Spirit to lead, teach, guide, council, and strengthen us if we will follow His voice.  After all we are still learning!  But He knows the way!