Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dipped and Dyed

Hello friends!

Did you enjoy your Resurrection Sunday?  Did any of you dye eggs with children?  Or do you remember dying eggs?  What fun it was to take a white egg and put it into a dye that would change the color of the egg!  If you were real creative you might try taking the egg you dyed and dip it into another color to see what color you would come out with. Or if the first time you dipped the egg into your dye and you didn't like the shade of say pink it was, you might dip into the pink dye again and again and again until you got the dark shade of pink you were looking for.

Which brings me to one of my favorite word studies.  It is the word baptize.

For a moment let’s look at the word baptize and discover a purpose of being baptized in the Holy Spirit.  It is a Greek word that means “to dip and to dye” much like a garment is dipped and dyed to change it’s color.  I love that!  We are to be dipped and dyed in the Holy Spirit and fire until we look like Jesus!  Isn’t that wonderful!  Baptize us again Jesus with your Holy  Spirit and fire!

baptizo - verb - Strong’s G907 -
1.  to dip, repeatedly, to immerse, to submerge (of vessels sunk)
2.  to cleanse by dipping or submerging, to wash, to make clean with water, to wash one’s self, bathe
3.  to overwhelm

Acts 1:5 Jesus referred to the fact that John baptized in water, but that those who waited in Jerusalem would be baptized in the Holy Spirit. You can see in Acts 2:3 a fulfillment of what John had prophesied in the gospels.  What was the evidence of those who waited being baptized?  They spoke in tongues.

When the people asked what is going on, Peter responded by quoting Joel 2:28-30.  Then I love what Peter said in v.39 

For God’s promise of the Holy Spirit is for you and your families, for those yet to be born and for everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” (TPT).  In the Aramaic v. 39 can be translated “This outpouring is for you”.  Hallelujah! (note taken from The Passion Translation)

Some believe that praying in tongues has ceased.  Some believe that it was a one time occurrence.  Some believe praying in tongues was just for the first Christians.  But can you see from Acts 2:39 Peter plainly tells us the promise is for everyone who calls upon the LORD.

Let's look at other examples in the Living Word of God.  

We are told in Acts 8 :14-17 that Samaria had received the word of God.  Peter and John went down to pray for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit had not yet fallen on any of them.  They had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.  When Peter and John laid hands on them they received the Holy Spirit. 

Previously in this chapter we are told about a man name Simon who had been a magician.  After hearing Jesus preached he believed and continued to walk with Phillip.  Scripture tells us he observed signs and great miracles taking place.  He was constantly amazed!  He had gone with Peter and John down to Samaria.  When the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands, Simon saw something different.  Different so much so that he offered to pay Peter and John for their ability.  What did he see?  He saw the demonstration of the Holy Spirit.  What do we know from scripture was the demonstration of being baptized in the Holy Spirit?  Praying in tongues.

Acts 11 recounts the story of Peter going to Cornelius house.  He was an Italian who feared God and gave much money to the Jews.  Remember at this time in history it was unlawful for Jews to go into a Gentiles home.  God had given Peter a dream to let him know He wanted Peter to go to Cornelius house and preach Jesus to him and his household.  Peter tells us that as he began to speak the Holy Spirit fell upon Cornelius and his household and he remembered the words of Jesus.  

John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.  Acts 11:16

Peter went on to say how could they deny Gentiles who would believe upon Jesus the right when God showed His favor upon them by giving them the same gift - the baptism of the Holy Spirit - as He had given the 120 who had waited in Jerusalem.  What was the evidence of the gift?  Praying in tongues. (See Acts 10:45,46).

Acts 19:1-6 gives us indication there are more than one baptisms.  Paul found some disciples in Ephesus.  

Paul asked, "Have you received the Holy Spirit?"

Their reply. "We did not know there was a Holy Spirit."

Paul then asked, "Into what baptism have you been baptized?"

When they replied "unto John's baptism", Paul let them know that "John baptized with the baptism of repentance telling the people to believe in Him who was coming after him, that is, in Jesus."  

When they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.  When Paul laid his hands on them the Holy  Spirit came on them and they began speaking in tongues and prophesying.

Throughout the book of Acts there are references of being filled with the Spirit.  We even discover in Acts 4 that those who had initially received the baptism of the Holy Spirit had another outpouring of Holy Spirit.  So we can see that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just a one time event or a one time occurrence.  

What was the definition of baptism?  Simply put - to dip and dye.  I want to be dipped and dyed repeatedly until I look like Jesus.  After all isn't that the purpose of redemption? (Romans 8:29).

One last thought for today.  Matthew 6:33 tells us to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (KJV)

I like how Beth Moore makes this statement in her study of the book of James regarding Matthew 6:33.  "Faith receives more than it asks.  Doubt loses more than it disbelieved."

Read that statement again.  "Faith receives more than it asks.  Doubt loses more than it disbelieved."

My question today.  What are you losing through doubting that speaking in tongues is a gift God wants you to have today?  If you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit are you praying in tongues?  Or do you need a fresh baptism?  If so, stir up the gift that is within you.

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