The past few weeks we have been studying one of the gifts the Holy Spirit would like to give to anyone who believes upon Jesus, their personal prayer language, that we refer to as praying in tongues. The 120 who waited in the upper room receive this ability to pray in tongues as evidence they had received Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:1-4 tells us that on the day of Pentecost the 120 were gathered in one place. Suddenly from heaven came a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. There appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.
So what was the evidence the people had been given the Father’s promise of the Holy Spirit? They spoke in tongues they did not know.
Kenneth S. Wuest was a professor of New Testament Greek at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago until his death in 1962. During the 1950's he produced several volumes of Greek word studies, going through the New Testament book by book. I love how he translated Acts 2:4.
….as the Spirit kept giving them ability to speak forth, not in words of everyday speech but in words belonging to dignified and elevated discourse.
Think about it. Our Father gave us a gift that we could speak to Him in a dignified and elevated discourse. He gave us the ability to talk to Him on a higher level other than our understanding.
So why pray in tongues? Praying in tongues gives you the ability to talk in a dignified and elevated discourse.
Have you ever met someone that you thought knew more than you and when you got around them it seemed as if you couldn’t talk? Or what about a baby. We enjoy communicating with a baby on his level of understanding the best we can. But aren’t we glad when the baby learns words so that we can carry on a conversation! Imagine our Father. He loves to communicate with us down on our level of understanding. But don’t you think it makes Him glad when we communicate with Him using His language?
My grandmother and mother both were raised in churches that believed in receiving the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. In the early 1900’s and later people who spoke in tongues were made fun of. They were made to think they had less ability and there was a stigma placed on them. We have to remember that satan is the father of lies. So what the scriptures say through an understanding of the Greek language, speaking in tongues gives you the ability to speak with a dignified and elevated discourse. It doesn’t make you stupid or someone with less learning ability. So do you see from just this one example how satan has lied?
Kenneth Weust translated utterance as a dignified and elevated discourse. But where did this word utterance come from?
Utterance is the meaning for logos created by Greek philosopher Heracitus in 600 BC. They were words used to designate the divine reason or plan which coordinates a changing universe!
No wonder the Holy Spirit used the word "utterance" in Acts 2:24 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit was giving them utterance
We need a fresh baptism of Holy Spirit today in order to coordinate God’s divine reason and plan for our changing universe. I believe we need a fresh baptism to usher in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!
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