Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Yesterday, I heard Rick Renner do a teaching on prayer -  In his teaching I heard him say that the meaning for the word continue in prayer meant to press forward in prayer.  So I went to bed with that thought and I have woke up with that thought.  PRESS FORWARD!  PRESS FORWARD!

So no matter what you are facing today I encourage you to PRESS FORWARD in prayer, whether you pray in tongues or with your understanding.

Can I ask you a question?  What is keeping you from praying?  Faith begins where the will of God is known.  Seek God for His will through His Word, through communion with Him over His Word.  The Holy Spirit is responsible for you and if you will invite Him to guide you and lead you, He will!

Today, I want us to look at one of the ways the Holy Spirit helps us in our praying that we looked at last week.  If you didn't read last week's study I hope you will go back and read it.  We spent time seeing what actual words were saying and the picture it painted.

ROMANS 8:26-28 (AMP)  So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearning, and groanings too deep for utterance.  And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is] because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God’s will.  We are assured and know that God being a partner in their labor all things work together and are [fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.

 I want to look at this part of the scripture and definition again.

intercession - to fall into with.  

This Greek word gives us several pictures of how the Holy Spirit helps us:
  1. A person is trapped and another swiftly swings into action to rescue and deliver the one who is in trouble
  2. Coming together in an experience and meeting with.
  3. to supplicate - a rescue operation in which one snatches and pulls a person out of imminent danger.  

My purpose in bringing this teaching on praying in tongues is not to cause controversy or division.  It is my prayer, however, that somehow, someway, I can say or reveal this truth in a way that you will see the preciousness of both Holy Spirit and His gift.  My desire is that you can see the value of this gift and not take it lightly.  I want you to see how Jesus prayed and gave us this gift to help us pray when we don't know what or how to pray.  

I can share with you numerous times how He has helped me pray in tongues and then gave me understanding so I would know what to pray in my understanding.  But this day I am about to share with you, I needed a "rescue operation"!

May 23, 2014 a beautiful day.  I had purchased Happy, Happy, Happy t-shirts to wear because this day our first grandson would enter earth.  Enter he did!  Beautiful of course, healthy, everything as it should be.  My mom, Corey's parents, and Byron and I went to eat breakfast so Corey and Kristi could bond with Aiden.  We had placed our order and were waiting.  Then I got a text - PRAY NOW.

I was the only one at our table who had a phone out.  I picked up my phone and went outside to pray.  I didn't know what or who I was praying for.  Walking in the parking lot I began to pray in tongues.  Then it dawned on me - I should go back inside and let the others know what is going on.  Wayne paid for our coffee and we left and went back to the hospital.  

I got to the nurses desk and told her who I was and could she tell me what was going on.

Words I never expected to hear came out of her mouth.  "Your grandson has coded."

Thank God, across from the nurses station was a closed off waiting room.  I bursted through the doors, went to my knees, and prayed in tongues.  I later found out that when my daughter heard the nurse yell for help she immediately began to pray in tongues as well.  

Had it not been for the help and strength of the Holy Spirit, I don't know what I would have done.  But I knew I could trust Him to pray through me His Words of life.  I knew He would pray the perfect will of God concerning Aiden, Kristi, and Corey.  As I prayed in tongues a peace came over me, light came - meaning not only did I have understanding on how to pray but the others in the room with me had an understanding of how to pray as well.  We took authority over satan and proclaimed Jesus!  Not long after we began praying, the nurse came back and said the doctor has him breathing.  We do not know how long he was without oxygen.  

The good news is although we received many bad reports that day, every report we received, Jesus turned around and brought forth victory.  Today, Aiden, is a very healthy little boy, perfect in every way.  He loves to check on cows, feed chickens, and play with our dog.  There is no residual effect from what happened the day he was born.  The cardiologist and the neurologist both say he truly is a miracle.  

Praise you, Jesus!  Holy Spirit came together with us  in this experience and snatched our grandson out of danger. (see the definition of intercession above.)  Our grandson was trapped and Holy Spirit swept into action and rescued and delivered him.  Our praying made a way possible for Holy Spirit to act on our behalf.

James 1:17 tells us every good and perfect gift cometh from the Father.  Let me remind you, the Father's gift to the world was Jesus so any who would believe on Him would be saved.  Jesus gift to the believer is His precious Spirit coming to live inside of us.  One of the Holy Spirit's gift to those who will believe and receive is the ability to pray in heaven's language.  

My prayer is that if you have not received this gift that this teaching and testimony will cause you to desire the gift and to ask Him for it.  If you have this gift and are not using the gift, that you will stir yourself up and begin to pray in tongues the perfect will of God concerning you.  Perhaps you already pray in tongues, pray more.

 Jude 20 - But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. 

May we all be stirred to pray more in tongues so that we can pray in unity with the Father and get His church completed.  

His church is to display His manifold wisdom to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 3:10)

When we pray in tongues we pray out mysteries.  (1 Corinthians 14:2) Don't you love that!  
Which I believe that is where we will stop today and start next week.  Praying out mysteries!
Come back!  Will you?

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! What a privilege to see God's answer to those prayers in our little grandson's life! He is happy and healthy and an incredible testimony to God's faithfulness.

    We just spent a weekend together with our little Aiden, Mommy Kristi, Daddy Corey, and Aiden's two little cousins, at the zoo in Jackson. We celebrate the goodness of God every time we remember and share!

    Grandma Cheri
